SBC Affiliation Benefits

FAQ about affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention


What are the expectations of our church if we affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention?


What responsibilities (as a church) do we have?


Being under the umbrella of the Southern Baptist Convention, what are the benefits for us?



First, "expectations" are not necessarily requirements. I will begin with the requirements (1 & 2 below):

  1. Be in basic agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message.
  2. Give to missions through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention/Great Commission Baptist Convention, (usually through the Baptist Convention of New York) each year. Our recommendation is a monthly percentage from your undesignated local tithes and offerings, but the frequency is up to the local church.
  3. Attend/participate in Associational, State and National meetings as is possible or realistic. We have one annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention/Great Commission Baptist Convention each year. Each church is allowed a certain number of "messengers" based on the size of the church. Messengers vote on things according to their conscience as trusted representatives of the church.
  4. Additional opportunities to give to missions occur through annual special offerings: (1) Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions, (2) Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American missions and (3) a state missions offering for the Baptist Convention of New York. These offerings help strengthen the mission efforts significantly.

Second, the benefits your church receives as a part of the SBC include the following:

  1. You become a participant in the mission efforts of several thousand missionaries who share your doctrinal beliefs and who have gone through significant evaluation and preparation. This includes the opportunity for your members to be sent as missionaries at they are called by God.
  2. You have doctrinal protection for your foundational beliefs as the national religious environment changes.
  3. You will receive various tools and resources from time to time to assist you in your mission of evangelism, discipleship, and missions.
  4. Often there will be local or state leaders available to you without charge to assist you through training, counsel and advice as the church moves forward in its mission.
  5. When the church goes through a transition of leadership, the members or leaders can request training and other help in working through a process to find new leadership.

This is a sample of the benefits and opportunities of becoming a part of the Southern Baptist Convention/Great Commission Baptist Convention. For further information.